Property Management Blog

Why Choose Full Service Property Management?

Blog Post Why Choose Full Service Property Management?
You love owning rental properties, but you're tired of all the work. Sound familiar? The good news is that you don't have to do the work yourself.Many property owners turn to a full service property management firm for help. These firms provide all the management services...

5 Benefits of CRM for Real Estate Investors

Blog Post 5 Benefits of CRM for Real Estate Investors
Investing in real estate in Nevada is a wise strategy, as property owners enjoy the nation's third-lowest property tax rates. The favorable investing conditions help real estate owners buy multiple properties to develop a portfolio.While owning multiple properties can result ...

What Can a Landlord Look at During an Inspection?

Blog Post What Can a Landlord Look at During an Inspection?
You can't interfere with your tenant's legal right to peacefully enjoy rental property. But you do have a right to protect your real estate investment. Property inspections let you keep an eye on your investment, but this doesn't mean you can look at anything you want...

How Often Can a Landlord Inspect a Property?

Blog Post How Often Can a Landlord Inspect a Property?
As an investment property owner, you hope your tenants are honest with you and follow the terms of their lease. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, with 14% of Nevada tenants admitting to hiding their pet ownership from their landlords. Performing property inspections can...
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